The Abuse In Walls’s Family

In Jeannette Walls’s The Glass Castle she examines the idea of The Abuse In Walls’s Family.


    Everyone's childhood is a truly important thing because many people’s early lives often determine who they will be in the future. In Jeannette Walls’s The Glass Castle, she examines the idea of her childhood obviously involved parental abuse. Though the parents didn’t hurt their children by physical harm, their lack of protection and careness amounted to neglect. and that neglect added up to be abuse. All the children in the Walls’s family were abused by their parents through pure neglect.

    The Glass Castle was written from Jeannette memories. In the second part of her book, she gave us the first example of physical abuse which she got when she was only three years old. She told us about her experience of cooking a hotdog by herself. Obviously, it is a risky situation in a kid's life. Moreover, her mother didn’t care for her enough because when Jeannette was cooking she said “I could hear Mom in the next room singing while she worked on one of her paintings”. What her mother did was careless and neglectful of her own children, so that became abuse. In addition to that, it could be an accident and unfortunately it actually happened. Because of her mom's neglect, her own daughter got burned and had to go into hospital for six months.

    Another evidence of her parents' neglect was realized by the nurses. After she got burned, she was immediately taken to the hospital. Her body was covered with burn wounds, bruises and cuts, so that made the nurses and doctors truly worried about her when she arrived. When everything calmed down, she said “The nurses and doctors kept asking me questions: How did you get burned? Have your parents ever hurt you? Why do you have all these bruises and cuts?”. It is the responsibility of the nurses and doctors to ask those questions to figure out this situation. Jeannette told them she didn’t get these wounds from her parents but she got it from playing outside and made a hotdog by herself. At that moment, even the nurses certainly knew the truth in this family. Her parents didn’t take care of her and let her do risky things. The nurses realize that was careless and neglectful of her parents, and that is literally the true reason why Jeannette caught fire.

    The next example of her parent’s carelessness happened to another member in their family. One time during their visit, it was clear that Brian, her little brother, had had an accident on his head, she said “Brian’s head was wrapped in a dirty white bandage with dried bloodstains''. Her brother’s head was cracked by falling off the back of the couch. However, instead of sending Brian to the hospital, her parents chose to treat him by themselves at home. In fact, everyone knows falling off or hitting hard objects, especially on your head could cause you to have a concussion and also if there was bleeding you should be more careful to use only completely clean things to treat the wounds because it could be infection. Notwithstanding, her parents not only didn’t take their son to the hospital but they also used a dirty bandage wrapping on his head. Their parents made everything wrong and put their son in danger, and it was obviously caused by their carelessness and neglect again.

    In the second chapter of a book, a couple of accidents have happened to the children and always it was caused by their parents' neglect and carelessness. They let their children do something too risky and treat them improperly. Actually, her parents truly loved their children because they never hurted their children by physical harm, and they also took care of their children in their own ways. However, taking care of their children still lacked much care and attention, and it truly abused their children.
